Vicki Manley


My name is Vicki. I use both the Direct Payment and ILH services at SIL. This gives me support and independence to do what I want to do in my life.

My hobbies include listening to music, going to the theatre, meeting up with friends, cooking, and walking.

I am totally blind. My PAs help me do the things I want to do by being my extra pair of eyes. They support me with very varied things, such as driving me to appointments, shopping and going with me to social events and other things too.

My personal experience of living as a disabled person helps me understand the needs of other disabled people.

I am also Treasurer for the Hereford branch of Guide Dogs, and I volunteer on the companion line for Age UK.

I feel that SIL’s values and mission should be at the heart of how we make decisions as trustees. I really love SIL’s PRIDE. This is an excellent set of guiding principles. “Neither old age nor disability define us”. I want to help others have the independence and choice I have so they can also live their lives the way they want to.

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