Angela Higham


As a service user myself I believe that I can work with purpose within a service user led organisation.  I am confident working alongside either fellow service users and other trustees.  I have gained life skills through my disability.  I work in a meticulous way which can be useful when studying figures or worksheets and I found this useful during my career as a scientist.

In later years I have helped my husband (an electrician and plumber) in all aspects of his business, from doing wages to preparing tax return and from dealing with employees and customers, through to liaising with HMRC.

In the past I acted as Chairperson of SIL’s Forum when the Chairperson took absence for planned surgery.  I was responsible for running a peer-support programme to encourage service users to share their experiences with others.  This had funding for one year only, but the experience was invaluable.

I want to be able to use my experiences to help shape the service that users will receive in the future.

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