SIL Office Re-opening

On Tuesday 1st September, after what seems a very long time, the Services for Independent Living office team will be repopulating their headquarters in Leominster.

We were extremely fortunate to be have been able to deliver all our services from home so even if we were a bit more difficult to get hold of or a bit slower, we were still here.  Now it is time to try and find a ‘new norm’ where we can see our colleagues again, lose some of the challenges of working from home and make the most of our completed refit.

Our Homecare and ILH services obviously continued regardless; facing the challenges of working in a Covid-19 environment with tenacity, diligence and the ever-present care and empathy as always; of that we are immensely proud.

If you follow our social media profiles you’ll no doubt have seen some of the measures we’ve put in place from screens around desks, to a new one way system and signage which all form part of our risk assessment for reopening.

As always we will continue to put the safety of our staff and customers first and as such take further guidance from Public Health England.  We have identified that any staff working in the ILH and Homecare departments must also wear surgical masks (not face coverings) whilst working in the office.  Therefore, a schedule for office working has been designed as follows:

Mondays – non ILH/Homecare office staff – no masks required

Tuesdays – non ILH/Homecare office staff – no masks required

Wednesdays (AM) – ILH and Homecare office staff in the office – surgical masks must be worn

Thursdays – non ILH/Homecare office staff – no masks required

Fridays – ILH and Homecare office staff in the office – surgical masks must be worn

Non-ILH and Homecare office staff may come into the office on Wednesdays and Fridays but surgical masks must be worn at all times (these will be provided on site).

Our teams will all continue to deliver services on the days they are not in the office just as we have done throughout lockdown.

All visits to the office by non-office based staff or visitors must be by appointment.  Please contact 01568 616653, speak to your contact or email to book in.

SIL management are delighted to be able to invite the staff back to the office but will be keeping a watchful eye over the risks and practicalities. This period has been challenging and at the same time offered us opportunities to find new ways of working, whilst staff are being invited back some may choose to continue to work from home and fortunately we are now in a place where this can be accommodated.

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