A charitable fund launched in August has already helped local volunteer-led cycle club, the 5&10 club, to purchase a new ICE trike.
The fund has been set up by Services for Independent Living (SIL), a local not-for-profit business, that supports disabled people and older people across the county. The fund aims to support its service users and also local voluntary organisations that provide services to vulnerable people in Herefordshire.
Euan McPherson, SIL’s CEO, said: “It was a real joy to meet members and to hand over the trike to the 5&10 Club. The group provides pleasure and friendship to both able and disabled people. The trike will join the fleet of cycles held by the Halo Cycle Hub in Hereford, ensuring that all the health benefits and enjoyment gained from cycling is accessible to all”.
The fund is currently taking applications for grant funding and the process couldn’t be simpler. If your organisation might benefit from some financial support email reception@s4il.co.uk or call the office on 01568 616653, to find out how to apply.